Covid Tongue - A New Symptom of Covid-19
Anosmia, Covid Tongue, Covid-19Abstract
Corona virus disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 commonly called as novel corona virus 2 disease was declared as global health concern by world health organization (WHO). It is originated in Wuhan, China and now evolved into a global pandemic. The clinical spectrum of SARS CoV2 ranges from asymptomatic infection to severe disease requiring intensive care unit admission. The count of Covid-19 symptoms has been escalated since the outbreak of the deadly virus. While the virus begun to expand, new and atypical symptoms towers the risk to public domain. Although, fever, fatigue and dry cough are some of the most predominant signs of SARs-COV-02. There may be another addition to the growing list of strange possible symptoms of the new corona virus, which causes infection inside the mouth. After getting trickled with weird symptoms of Covid-19 for months, there was covid toes, anosmia, ageusia and unususal skin rashes which were later declared as the symptoms of Covid-19. Now there is another new symptom called the Covid tongue in the current clinical scenario of Covid-19. The mouth is one of the entry portals of the novel corona virus infection into the human body. The spike protein on the virus binds with the ACE 2 receptors in the nose and mouth. As the presence of ACE receptors are higher on the tongue, the virus concentrates heavily on this region which leads to tongue bumps and tongue swelling. With the increasing number of covid tongue and strange mouth ulcer symptoms, health professionals must make the patients aware about the current clinical manifestations in order to deal with Covid-19 in an effective way.
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